Serie Helios 2: dispositivo de terapia de luz roja dirigida de 300 W
Serie Helios 2: dispositivo de terapia de luz roja dirigida de 300 W
Serie Helios 2: dispositivo de terapia de luz roja dirigida de 300 W
Serie Helios 2: dispositivo de terapia de luz roja dirigida de 300 W
Serie Helios 2: dispositivo de terapia de luz roja dirigida de 300 W
Serie Helios 2: dispositivo de terapia de luz roja dirigida de 300 W
Serie Helios 2: dispositivo de terapia de luz roja dirigida de 300 W
Serie Helios 2: dispositivo de terapia de luz roja dirigida de 300 W

Serie Helios 2: dispositivo de terapia de luz roja dirigida de 300 W


La lámpara HELIOS 2 300W es un dispositivo compacto y potente que proporciona terapia de luz roja a su rostro u otras áreas pequeñas de su cuerpo.

Esta lámpara utiliza 60 LED de doble chip que producen haces de luz intensos en dos longitudes de onda claves: 660 nm y 850 nm.

La lámpara tiene una lente de 60 grados que concentra la luz en un área específica, lo que facilita su uso en casa.

La lámpara HELIOS 2 300W viene de serie con un soporte de escritorio plegable que le permite disfrutar de la terapia de luz roja de una manera cómoda y eficaz.

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El proveedor líder de terapia de luz roja de Europa

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  • irradiancia

    15cm = 125mw/cm2
    30cm = 104mw/cm2
  • CEM

    0 V/M a 15 cm
    0 mg a 15 cm
  • Mejor para

    Pequeñas áreas del cuerpo.
  • Certificaciones

    CE (LVD 3.ª parte probada en el Reino Unido)
    Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC)
    Ministerio de Sanidad Pública
  • Mediciones

    31cm x 20cm x 7cm
  • Fuerza

    Clasificado @ 300w
    Consumo real 91W
  • LED y longitudes de onda

    60 LED de 5W
    Luz roja con un máximo de 660 nm
    Infrarrojo cercano a 850 nm

Customer Reviews

Based on 109 reviews
N.S. (Glasgow, GB)
Helios 2 review.

Great product.Well made with plenty of attachments included.Been using twice a day for 20 minutes. Dawn and Dusk.Very happy with this device.I highly recommend 👍

S.W. (Cinderford, GB)
Great Unit

Very pleased with my device. Arrived quickly, Had all my questions answered quickly too. very substantial in terms of build quality. It is versatile so I am using it every day in different positions (legs and back) but only given 4 stars as after 1 week too soon to give feedback on benefits but very hopeful it will.

S.H. (Dublin, IE)
Very smart looking device

In the early stages of getting used to it. So far I think it has had a positive effect on muscles and healing from a chest infection by using it on my upper back and chest area for about 10 mins once a day. I shall continue to see what else transpired!

J.U. (Glasgow, GB)
Red light therapy

The reason for my interest in red light therapy is a result of my having dry eyes probably age related which was getting so bad that I was using preservative-free drops about every half hour. Having used the Helios twice in the first day my symptoms seem to have vanished, that was a week ago. I also have hurt my back playing tennis which seems to have exacerbated previous back trouble. I’ve been using this red light for my back and I think, though I’m not sure at this point that it is helping.

What I like about this particular device is:
Packaging and instructions included are of high quality.
The light itself feels very well made and along with the stand feels as if it will last a long time.
I like the straightforward on/off switches rather than a more complicated screen based control system that I have seen on other devices which tend to add the need to make decisions about timing and intensity and such like.
The device has enough weight to make it very stable on a worktop without being difficult to move around.

On the downside, I have noticed that the stand and the light panel are slightly different shades of white; hardly worth worrying about! That’s it, there’s nothing else to mention as a downside.

I’m very happy that I bought this as there is a lot of choice out there and quite pleased at this point, a week in, with the results, especially the resolved dry eyes and to my surprise my vision seems sharper.

I am a retired dentist so have quite a good background in matters related to red light therapy. I only wish that I found out about this much sooner.

J. (Ashford, GB)
Enjoying so farce

Only a week into using but I would definitely say i can see slight improvements in my skin and I can see some improvement in my sleep and mood.
Delivery great and no problems at all.
Can’t wait to see the results in a few months


Incluido en la caja

  • Soporte de escritorio (como se muestra en la imagen)
  • Cables colgantes
  • Colgador de puerta (se adapta a la mayoría de las puertas, pero no a todas, especialmente a las puertas cortafuegos)
  • Protectores para los ojos (úselos si la luz roja es demasiado brillante o simplemente desea protegerse los ojos)
  • Cable de alimentación
  • Cable modular (para conectar otros dispositivos HELIOS)