Serie Helios 2 - Dispositivo de terapia de luz roja de cuerpo completo de 1500w
Serie Helios 2 - Dispositivo de terapia de luz roja de cuerpo completo de 1500w
Serie Helios 2 - Dispositivo de terapia de luz roja de cuerpo completo de 1500w

Serie Helios 2 - Dispositivo de terapia de luz roja de cuerpo completo de 1500w


Esta lámpara de cuerpo entero está compuesta por 300 diodos LED de alta potencia de 5 vatios. Emiten un haz de luz muy concentrado en un arco de 60 grados en dos longitudes de onda cruciales, 660 nm y 850 nm.
El dispositivo de 1500 W es más ancho que su homólogo de 1000 W, por lo que es más potente y tiene mayor cobertura, especialmente desde más lejos, algo crucial para sesiones de cuerpo completo.

Combínalo con un soporte HELIOS 2 para una configuración perfecta.

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El proveedor líder de terapia de luz roja de Europa

Comprar ahora

HELIOS 2 1500W

  • irradiancia

    15cm = 135mw/cm2
    30cm = 119mw/cm2
  • CEM

    0 V/M a 15 cm
    0 mg a 15 cm
  • Mejor para

    Sesiones de cuerpo completo
  • Certificados

    CE (LVD probado por terceros)
    Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC)
  • Mediciones

    98cm x 30cm x 7cm
  • Fuerza

    Clasificado @ 1500w
    Consumo real 450W
  • LED y longitudes de onda

    300 LED de 5W
    Luz roja con un máximo de 660 nm
    Infrarrojo cercano a 850 nm

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
E. (Brent, GB)
Amazing device, everybody should have one

I bought two to cover the whole height. Noticed improvement in mood, energy and skin condition from the very beginning. After 3 months of daily use, I can see several positive health results. One of the best investments in health you could get.

L.b. (Eastbourne, GB)
Prompt Delivery, Hoping for Great Results.

I recently purchased the Helios 2 full-body panel for my daughter who has fibromyalgia and while it arrived very quickly (a definite plus), it’s still too early to comment on its effectiveness. The product is quite expensive, so I’m hoping it delivers as promised.

However, I did feel a little let down by the customer service experience. I had a few queries before purchase, and although my emails were answered, the later responses felt a bit abrupt and didn’t always address my concerns fully. It left me feeling as though I was being a nuisance for asking questions, which wasn’t ideal.

That said, I’ll reserve final judgment until my daughter has had more time to use the product.

P.D.P. (Camden, GB)
In Helios I Trust!

This is my second purchase. I believe so much in red light therapy treatment that I bought another one… it’s a little wider than my first light so I get to treat back and front of my body in one go!
After an extensive research based on performance and price I chose this company located in the UK which was important to me. It is slightly cheaper than its competitors as it a little more basic I mean by that, no LED monitors or fancy switches. Just a couple of ON/OFF switches for RED or NIR light.
I meditate or stretch with them on!

J.E. (Renfrew, GB)
1500w full body

I have been using the 300W model for a few years now and have found it to be a valuable addition to my routine. The addition of the 1500W model allows me to conduct a full-body session while stretching. I am hopeful that a stand on wheels will be developed for the 1500W full-body light in the future.

E.A. (Aylesbury, GB)

So far so good, well packed, delivered quickly. Been using it for a week so early days yet.


Incluido en la caja

  • Cables colgantes
  • Colgador de puerta (se adapta a la mayoría de las puertas, pero no a todas, especialmente a las puertas cortafuegos)
  • Protectores para los ojos (úselos si la luz roja es demasiado brillante o simplemente desea protegerse los ojos)
  • Cable de alimentación
  • Cable modular (para conectar otros dispositivos HELIOS)

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